The much awaiting Rajini film is being ready for release. Shankar's Rs. 200 crore film Endhiran's shooting has been completed. The shooting of the last song scene was completed last day. The film produced by Sun Pictures took nearly 3 years for completion.The releasing date will be either September 5 or August 15. The story is about a robot having human look. Rajinikanth plays dual roles in the film that is of a scientist and robot.
It will be the Indian origin film that has the largest investment. The first budget of the film was around Rs. 129 crore . But after the first schedule in Brazil the budget was raised to Rs. 150 crore. The crew members behind the film are from hollywood which eventually raised the budget. Now it is estimated to around Rs. 200 crore . The hit maker of tamil Shankar, A.R Rahman, Rajinikanth, Aishwarya Rai, Rasool Pookutty, Saabu ciril,Rathnaveelu combines in this film.
The actress , Aishwarya Rai itself claimed Rs. 6 crore for the film which is the highest by any Indian actress. The Audio Release of the film be held on 31'st july at Kuala lumpur,Malaysia. Audio rights where given at Rs. 8 crore. choreography is done by Pabhu Dev,Lorenz and Raju Sundharam. the action will be competable with that of Hollywood.Action is done by Peter Hein. 2000 prints will be released throughout India. It will also released around 300 centers outside India including China and Bangladesh.
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Tags:-Rajini Film Endhiran To Be Released On September 5, Rajini Film Endhiran, Endhiran, tamil movie Endhiran, Endhiran releasing date,Endhiran pics,Endhiran images,Endhiran posters,Endhiran pictures,Endhiran wallpapers,Endhiran news,Endhiran review,Endhiran story,Endhiran audio release date,Endhiran expense,Endhiran actress, Endhiran songs,Endhiran songs download free,Rajinikanth in Endhiran pics, Aishwarya Rai in Endhiran pics, Endhiran music,Endhiran details,Endhiran date.
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